How It Works
Boux Member Rewards
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Become a Boux Member to get access to exclusive benefits and more.
Boux Member is a digital loyalty programme where you collect points with every purchase, both in store and online. When collecting points, you can unlock special offers, rewards, exclusive event invitations and much more. Our membership is free to join, but you must be 18 years to become a member or 16 with consent from your parents or legal guardian. Your membership ID can be found on your account page.
All your purchases in-store and online are rewarded with points. Receive 1 point for every £1 you spend, 1 point is equal to 3p which you can accumulate towards buying Boux Avenue products. To collect points in store, always remember to scan your membership ID via your my account page or apple wallet. Your points will be displayed on your membership account which can take up to 24 hours to update.
You will find your latest offers and points balance on your account page on Please note that once you redeemed a discount or points, it cannot be returned or reused. If you return an item, the points you earned from that item will be deducted from your points balance.
The membership card can be found on the My Account page. You can also add this to your apple wallet via logging in to your account on your mobile phone.